Who Else Wants Resell Rights To Our High-Quality Video Training Software and A Super Simple Fill in The Blanks Software That Creates Profitable Done For You Sales Funnels Instantly!
Imagine If You Can Have Your Very Own
“Done For You” Software Products With Sales Funnels
That Makes You Money on Demand...
Here Is Your Chance To Resell Our High Converting Video Training Software and Keep 100% of The Profits?
From The Desk of Garry Desmarais
Dear Fellow Marketer,
What I have for you today is a unique resellers package of done for you Video Training Software with sales funnels!
I'm not going to bore you with a long intro here, this offer speaks for itself...
Today you can take advantage of the massively profitable Internet Marketing niche by picking-up 6 High-Quality Video Training Software with complete sales funnels and everything needed to make sales - you keep 100% of the profits!
Each funnel is ready to go right out of the box and for only a few dollars makes this an incredible offer that will be hard to pass up.
Simply Enter your details in the software then Upload the pages to your server and you're ready to make sales!
So, without further ado, let's cut straight to the chase...
Look At The 6 High-Quality Video Training Software
You Can Resell As Your Own Software Product
Click on The Small Highlighted Text Below Each Image And View The Stunning Sales Pages and Download Pages In Action. The Pages Will Open in Pop-Up Browser Window and You Will Not Leave This Page.
Close One Pop-Up Browser Window Before You Open Another One...
As You Can See These Sales Pages and Download Pages Are Stunning and They Convert Like Crazy!
There's Something That Separates This Resell Rights Package From Any Other Reseller Product On The Market!
What Makes This Resell Package So Different Than The Rest?
Most if not all the resell product you see sold online were created as a reseller product. Meaning they are sold to the masses and the masses all try and push the same product. The competition is fierce! It's very difficult to sell a product in an over-saturated market! Believe me, I know! Been There Done That!
These Video training software were created for our own business that resulted in building a huge responsive list and making $1000's of dollars in pure profit and now we're sharing the wealth. This is the first time this software is being offered for reselling. These Resell software are extremely limited and this offer is for my customers and subscribers ONLY! This resell rights package is not listed on the JVZoo marketplace or any other marketplace and none of my affiliates are or will be approved to promote this product to the masses... Only 100 Copies will ever be sold! When the 100 copies are sold out this offer will be taken down for good. This assures you the market will never get over saturated. I also assure you if you don't grab this offer today and come back to find it closed I won't make any exceptions to sell you a copy... So Grab This Today!
This leaves you with a unique opportunity and makes this a No-Brainer Offer...
With that being said let me introduce to you The Resell Rights Wizard Funnel Builder Software.
No Funnel Is Complete Without A Valuable
Incentive To Get Your Visitors To Enter Your Funnel.
The Money is in The List and This Complete Done
For You Funnel Will Put Your List Building Efforts
on Steriods!
Look At The 6 High-Quality Video Training Software
You Can Give Away To Build Your List and Get Your
Visitor Into Your Sales Funnels
Click on The Small Highlighted Text Below Each Image And View The Stunning Squeeze Pages and Download Pages In Action. The Pages Will Open in Pop-Up Browser Window and You Will Not Leave This Page.
Close One Pop-Up Browser Window Before You Open Another One...
As You Can See These Lead Magnet Pages Are Stunning and They Easily Convert Visitors into Leads and Customers
The Resell Rights Lead Magnets Software Will Create
The Lead Magnet Pages and Download Pages For
6 High-Quality Video Training Software That You Can Give Away To Build Your List and Get People Into Your Resellers Sales Funnel.
Simply follow the Hints and Tips in the software as they walk you through building 6 stunning lead magnet pages and download pages in minutes. And the final product will blow you away. We created these templates from our highest converting lead magnet pages, that are proven to be effective.
2-Step Opt-in Technology So Powerful It's Becoming Infamous
The Resell Rights Lead Magnet Pages are built with 2-step opt-in technology that is proven to increase conversion by enabling users to join your email list with a single click.
When a user clicks on the Download Now Button, a popup opens up asking them to subscribe.
It uses the psychology principle known as Zeigarnik Effect which states those who initiate are more likely to finish the process.
Since the user has already begun an action (by clicking the link or a button), they are much more likely to complete the action (subscribe) which makes The Resell Rights Lead Magnet Pages far more effective than any traditional subscribe form on a website.
Marketers all across the industry are raving about this technology because it has the power to increase your conversions by as much as 785% (without A/B testing).
And It Gets Even Better!
All Your Resell Rights Pages Are Mobile Responsive!
It’s never been more important to have a great online mobile presence than right now. When people are searching online on their mobile devices, they want instant answers to their questions or quick solutions to their problems.
This is Your Chance To Experience
The Holy Grail of Internet Marketing!
Easily Building a Responsive Buyer List
and Getting Paid To Do It.
Below Is an Example of The Sales Funnel Process
We're giving you the same funnels that have made us $1000's of dollars and everything is done for you.
100's of hours has gone into creating these software products and funnel pages from scratch but all you have to do is enter your details and The Resell Rights Wizard and Lead Magnets Software will do everything else for you! How Cool is that?
For Maximum Conversions, Your Front End Lead Magnet Subject Matter should relate to your Upsell Premium Software Offer.
We have tested many combinations of Lead Magnet To Premium Upsell and we are giving you the highest converting combinations.
Below are the combinations we recommend but you can mix and match them in any manner you like. Keep in mind these combinations have been tested so don't try and reinvent the wheel.
Sales Funnel Combination
Sales Funnel Combination
Sales Funnel Combination
Sales Funnel Combination
Sales Funnel Combination
Sales Funnel Combination
Resell Rights Wizard
6 High-Quality Premium Video Training Software That You Can Use For Your Own Personal Training and Resell For 100% of The Profits
6 High-Quality Sales Pages Instantly Branded With Your Details
6 Download Pages Instantly Branded With Your Details
Resell Rights Lead Magnets
6 High-Quality Video Training Software That You Can Use For Your Own Personal Training and Giveaway To Build a Huge Responsive Email List
6 High-Quality Lead Magnet Pages Instantly Branded With Your Details
6 Download Pages Instantly Branded With Your Details
Building a List and getting paid to do it is In my opinion, The Holy Grail of Internet Marketing.
However sending your new subscriber directly to your special offer sales page after they sign up for a free offer causes confusion and it's just plain rude. This is no way to start off a trusting relationship with your New Subscriber.
What You need a buffer page that tells the subscriber that an email with their download details is on its way to their Inbox and that they are now being redirected to a very special offer. This clears up any confusion on where the free gift is that they signed up.
As you can see in the Images above of the Sales Funnel Combination Examples this is step 2 in the funnel process.
The Resell Rights Wizard and the Resell Rights Lead Magnets Software allows you to add up to 5 Special Offer HTML Banners on your Download Pages For Maximum Profits.
We realize that you might not know how to create HTML banner codes or How to create a custom Redirect script to send your new subscriber to your reseller software special offers after they sign up so we created a simple fill in the blanks software that will do all that for you.
Legal Pages Generator
Every Business Website Should Have All The Required Legal Pages
Now there is an easy way to generate legal pages "on the fly" with this Exclusive Bonus software. You are going to want to have all the legal requirements for your Reseller websites but writing Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Pages among other legal pages is a real chore and what in the world do you say to make sure you meet all the legal requirements?
Quickly generate the necessary legal documents for your website including Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Copyright notice, Website disclaimer and optional Earnings Disclaimer.
Without the correct legal documents Google can block you from advertising, Clickbank can remove your products from its marketplace and Facebook can suspend your Canvas apps and worst of all - your trust level can flop. So To Make Sure you Comply with Facebook, Google. Clickbank and the BPC Your Resell Rights Wizard and Resell Rights Lead Magnet Pages Require These legal pages.
With This Exclusive Bonus, You Get Full Master Resell Rights For The Legal Page Generator
There is no way you can lose on this one, is there? Actually, there is only one way. If you choose not to grab this amazing reseller software package today... You lose time. You lose effort and most importantly you lose subscribers and Money.
Every day you delay is costing you money and keeping you in the losing category of the two types of marketers. The action takers and the procrastinators switch on over to the action takers and start building your list super fast and super easy and rake in big profits over and over again.
Build your list and a PayPal account that will continue to grow day by day. One that will produce more income each month as your list grows. And as your list grows each month, your income grows each month!
It's Easy To Get Started Right Away, So Go Ahead And Click The
Buy Now Button Below!
When you take a look at what you'll be getting altogether, you can see how easy it will be for me to ask for $147 or even $197. I like to over-deliver. It's good for my reputation.
So That's Why You Can Get Your Hands On The Resell Rights Complete Funnel Package For Just $37.00!
Don't Waste Any More Time, Grab Our Software and Build You List Quickly and Easily By Creating High Converting Lead Magnet Pages and Create Big Profits by Offering Your Subscribers High-Quality Premium Video Training Software!
Click The Buy Now Button Below
To Your Success
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