Just on The Other Side of This Page, You Will Find the Most up-to-date and Complete Cloud Based Mobile Website Cration Software on The Internet Today.
You’re Going To Gain Instant Access to 18 Customizable Mobile Templates in 3 Different Versions.
The Slider, The Static Image, and The Video Version.
That's a Total of 54 Different Mobile Website Styles.
This is A Complete Mobile Website Business in The Cloud.
You Can Create Unlimited Mobile Website Templates For Yourself and Your offline Clients Simply By Entering Your Details in This Amazing Fill in The Blanks Software in the cloud.
Back when I first started working online A website was just becoming popular. Most businesses didn't even have one back in those days. But those that saw and recognized the coming revolution not only outsmarted, they clobbered their competition by being the first to aggressively embrace the internet. By having a website, by selling their product or services via the internet, and by collecting the names and email addresses of their prospective customers, it was heyday heaven for us back then.
Back in those days, the only way to 'see' a website was to type in or click on a URL (website address).
But ohhh, times are changing again!
Today you can access the internet from a PC, from a laptop, from a smartphone, from a tablet, and so on.
Just on The Other Side of This Page, You Will Find the Most up-to-date and Complete Cloud Based Mobile Website Cration Software on The Internet Today.
You’re Going To Gain Instant Access to 18 Customizable Mobile Templates in 3 Different Versions.
The Slider, The Static Image, and The Video Version.
That's a Total of 54 Different Mobile Website Styles.
This is A Complete Mobile Website Business in The Cloud.
You Can Create Unlimited Mobile Website Templates For Yourself and Your offline Clients Simply By Entering Your Details in This Amazing Fill in The Blanks Software in the cloud.
Back when I first started working online A website was just becoming popular. Most businesses didn't even have one back in those days. But those that saw and recognized the coming revolution not only outsmarted, they clobbered their competition by being the first to aggressively embrace the internet. By having a website, by selling their product or services via the internet, and by collecting the names and email addresses of their prospective customers, it was heyday heaven for us back then.
Back in those days, the only way to 'see' a website was to type in or click on a URL (website address).
But ohhh, times are changing again!
Today you can access the internet from a PC, from a laptop, from a smartphone, from a tablet, and so on.
It's All About The Mobile Marketplace and Today is Your Chance to Get in and Make a Killing in This Growing Mobile Business.
More and More people access the internet from their mobile devices and local business knows this BUT they just don't know how to go Mobile.
If you have a smartphone you know what I'm about too.
Most of the websites you type in or try to access are nearly impossible to read, see, or navigate on that small screen. The simple fact of the matter is, the resolution of the graphics is designed for much larger screens and therefore load too slowly on a mobile device if they load at all. And, those sites designed for desktop viewing almost always have far too many words per line.
I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea. A website that is designed to be easily seen and navigated on a 14-inch or larger monitor is just not viewable in any kind of friendly format on a three or four-inch screen.
How Can I Make Money With My Mobile Empire Membership?
When you See a local business website that is Not Mobile Friendly you simply contact the owner of that business and offer them a solution.
Here's a short story about how I just sold a Mobile Website to a Local Pizza Shop for 1500 bucks and it took me less than an hour to create.
I did a quick search on Google for local pizza shops and the third website I open was not mobile friendly and a nightmare to navigate through.
I called the pizza shop and asked to talk with the owner and fortunately, the gentleman that answered the phone was the owner. I told him I was on my way home from work and I was trying to order a pizza but his website was so poorly formatted for my mobile phone I couldn't see his menu.
He apologized and said he was trying to get his website mobile friendly but just didn't have the time or knowledge to make it happen.
Bingo! I ordered a pizza and told him I would pick it up. When I arrived to pick up my pizza I asked the owner if he would mind if I showed him my mobile website templates. He agreed to let me show him so I logged into my Mobile Empire Membership site and he was totally blown away by all the stunning designs he has to choose from.
Needless to say, He picked a template (The Swiper Template). I went home and It Took me about an hour from start to finish to create his mobile website while I ate my pizza.
I personally delivered his Mobile Website to him the next day. I handed him my phone with his website loaded and his face light up and mouth dropped open!
He was thrilled and handed me $1500 bucks and a Free Large Pizza!
That's just one story but I've sold 100's of Mobile Websites to local business and it was really easy to do and you can do it too.
You and Local Businesses Must Get Mobile Ready
It's imperative that you are mobile ready for what's happening. Just like 15 years ago, those early adapters crushed their competition, built their businesses ahead of the curve. The same thing is taking place exactly right now. Think it's safe to wait a year? It probably isn't. Here's why.
It's currently estimated that there are over 1,300,000 androids, not counting iPhones, being activated - every day - worldwide. And, it is estimated that by the end of this year over 50% of all internet traffic will originate from these smart mobile devices.
If your website or local business websites are not formatted, if it is not mobile-friendly, if it is not easy to navigate on that tiny 3-inch screen, your visitors will leave as fast as they got there.
Your business and Local businesses must be positioned for the new internet Web 3.0, And I'm the first to admit there is always a learning curve involved in anything new, and I'm sure you've heard this before. If you're not keeping up you are - therefore, logically, falling behind... Fortunately, the learning curve for the new Mobile Empire Software is so simple a child could do it. If you can type your keyboard you can build Beautiful formatted Mobile Websites quickly and easily!
So, listen up. It's up to you. What side of this technology curve do you want to be on?
Join Mobile Empire Today and We'll give you a lifetime Gold membership for the same price of a monthly subscription.
Click The Text Link Below To Open A Lightbox. Scroll Down The Lightbox and View The 18 Mobile Website Templates That You Get With Your Membership To Mobile Empire
The Mobile Website Images Will Open in A Popup Window
Pretty Awesome Right!
Click The Join Now Button Below and Get A Lifetime Gold Membership and 18 Premium Template Designs in Three Different Versoins!
That's a Total of 54 Different Mobile Website Styles.
Get A Lifetime Membership To Mobile Empire For The Price of a Monthly Subscription!
Click The Join Now Button Below!
To Your Mobile Success
Garry Desmarais